We like to invite you to the next edition of international contemporary art exhibition project 'Safe Place' the 14 and 15 august in Tuchulcha Cortona, Italy
A collaboration from artists and designers with performers, writers and musicians where installation
art become multi-media fashion performance events and visuals and Dj sets are fused with the essential idea,
inspired by the name Safe Place.
The name is inspired through travel through the world to finding a place, real, imaginary or inside ourself and create a interaction, fusion between all the different collaborators and media technicks working with the Safe Place subject, giving individual response and becomes as well part of One.
We are presenting :
14 August from 15:00
Day time
* Artists in resistance ( work in progress)
* 'Safe Market' (distributing environmental friendly products from artists)
* Collaborating aperitif & introduction
* Safe Place Pre-Party with Djs: Moodoki, Alessio Modrian, Marco Ragni, Tommy All, Amplifunk
15 August Official opening 12:00
Day time program
* Safe Market with environmental friendly products
* Heavenly massage expierience
* light sculptures by Jan- Paul Vd W
* installation by Zoe Hamilton-Peters
* installation by Zusi Rongen
* architecture by Michal Burek
* product design by Agnieszka Markiewicz
* installation by Micky
Evening program from 19:00
* conceptual package of buffet dinner with wine
* interactive Safe Place Games with gadgets and prices
* live activities and happenings
* Fashion Performance by Zusi Rongen
* photographic happening by
Night program from 21:00
* outdoor screenings of more than art
* Dj's : Federico Grazzini, Francesco Frances Segato, Marco, Chrono & Sleesh, Max Pee, Matteo Modoke,
Wishing you to come safe to a project thats more than just an exhibition opening more than a fashion show, more than blind shopping, more than dinner,……………. not just a catchy party but a state of mind! Join us in a experience journey from international artist collective and collaborate with this great idea Safe Place.
This is a free entry event so feel free to bring all your friends & family !
For the 'Conceptual dinner package' evening program ( 15 august 19:00 ) you need to make a reservation by sending a conformation via email or phone/ text and make a donation of 15 euro.
More info :
Jan Paul Vd W presents light sculpture installations made out of objects on with he project his visual art rhythmic on sounds and beats. His featuring installation is a abstract translation from the subject witch hi is fusing with the work of Safe Place collaboration artist. In his privies installation work hi use moving by air textual as a dance floor on witch he project images and text. His passion for Vj and Dj and impressive work is to see on
different music festivals and event internationally a side of big DJ names as Robert Hood. (IPM)
Zusi Rongen, She studied art, jewellery and product design in Poland and fine art in Holland. Her works after graduating (2003) have centred on contemporary art installations combine with fashion and product design, performance happenings with an ear for sound and an eye for unified conceptual design.
Recently she start up a organisation call "SAFE PLACE" ( London) where she curate international art exhibitions, collaboration projects and happenings. Her fresh release "Music Book" presents a scenario for not yet made movie, biographical lyrics in dialog with photographs and drawings from life travels that influence her art, design and music. She also have her own fashion label "SALON OPEN" witch captures the unique connection between contemporary art, fashion and design in a single experience. "Imagine clothes as paintings worn on the body, dressing as an everyday performance where the small, transient but unique memory of a moment captured by the designer is brought to life by the wearer. A spiritual process drawn from being in a place at a specific time with the emotional awareness of being part of it"
collaborator Zoe Hamilton-Peters present art installation and integrate those in to audio visual work of participating Safe Place artists. Artists and business women for years, lived in Australia for 5, dropped out, returned to London. Live and work in SE London where she have a small business called CraftyBitches.
Hare fashion installations made our of recycling materials are known internationaly.
" My parents attended my school in Harpenden, Herts more than I did, apologising for my behaviour and asking that they allow me back in.
At sixteen I moved to London and spend 9 years working in all sorts of disciplines to feed my hunger for travel.Recycling is my passion."
Agnieszka Markiewicz-Burek study Architecture at University of Technology in Cracow (Poland). After hare diploma (2005) she become interested in Interior and product design and started creating products with special attention on recycling process of materials onder hare label 'Taagu'. As mother and animal adoring person she combine hare passion and love and creat enviromen friendly interior solutions.
' Safe Market ' open design place
Safe Place organisation presenting 'Safe Market' a design salon distribute products of artist working with environment subjects, organic products, nature friendly, eco designs.